Religious Education and intercultural Learning

Successful ErasmusPlusProject (2014-2017)


In the current discussion on education the the awareness of the fact that we are living in a “risk society” is increased. In this society, people find themselves questioned – in various working processes as well as other situations in life.

Especially in a society that is influenced by its pluralism and secularism, a common answer to the debate on questions and topics of religious education will become more and more urgent in order to emphasize the individuality and sociality of the human race appropriately.

With regard to the ongoing debate on religion and education  there are the fundamental concerns of schools and high schools on the one hand as well as the focus on intercultural learning within the encounter of people with different confessions and religions in plurastic society on the other hand.

„Religiöse Bildung und interkulturelles Lernen“ – so the title and the programme of the ErasmusPlusProject in German language, which the European Institute of intercultural and Interreligious Research had organized together with some elected project partners and which results had been in 2017:

Die strategische Lernpartnerschaft von verschiedenen Institutionen und Personen in Deutschland, Liechtenstein und in der Türkei sollte und wollte in exemplarischer Weise dokumentieren, dass das gemeinsame Bemühen um länderüberschreitende sowie religionsübergreifende Begegnung und Verständigung in Europa auch und gerade am Ort von Schule und Hochschule von elementarer Bedeutung ist.

In 2020 our successful project has received the “Erasmus+Award (2014-2020)” in Liechtenstein as the winner in the category of adult education.