Antisemitism in Europe
Our new research project
Our institute is very much interested in realizing a new research project “Antisemitism in Europe”.
A first publication has already appeared.
In a comparative and transnational perspective we will be searching for European commonalities and patterns across the nation states and ask to what degree joint European counter-measures can be developed and implemented successfully. Complementarily, we will investigate the regional and national specifities in the resurgence of antisemitism.
For primarily historical reasons antisemitic attitudes, expressions and actions as well as civil society’s awareness of the destructive forces of antisemitism can vary significantly.
As much as we need to understand antisemitism as a challenge to European values and democracy in general we also need to take into account the diverging political, socio-economic, and cultural conditions across the European nation states in order to find locally appropriate and acceptable concepts to tackle antisemitism.
Some project partners for instance in Germany, Austria, France and Poland are to be selected. At the same time we want to allude to relevant publications as part of rotational inquiries.